2 Stars / Resources / Review

Review: Hustling Hard for a Happily Ever After by Frankie Love

How did this recipe blogging mother of six become a bestselling author of filthy-sweet romances?
In Hustling Hard for a Happily Ever After, Frankie Love outlines her journey as well as the motivational mantras that kept her going even when life’s challenges seemed too big.
Dear Reader,
Does it feel like everyone but you is making their dreams come true?
I’m ready to share with you how I fought for the life I wanted.
No, not the one that’s good enough.
I’m talking about the big one.
The wild one.
The one that makes our hearts beat hard and our souls sing.
This is the story of how I found mine. xo, frankie

Frankie Love is an independently published author who believes in making her wildest dreams come true. She believes you can too.

Title:Hustling Hard for a Happily Ever After
Author:Frankie Love
Category / Genre(s):Non-Fiction / Resources
Release Date:1st January, 2020
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Hugely disappointing

2 stars

For those of you who enjoy a quick, insta-love tale now and then, youā€™ll likely have heard of the author of this book, Frankie Love. Here, she shares her journey to success and how she became a successful – and profitable – romance author.

The book is split into 8 chapters but basically tell the story of how Frankie Love overcame her circumstances to become a romance author. The final chapter is some advice for authors on how to make your own dreams come true.

Frankieā€™s story is one that I doubt most people could identify with in its entirety simply because it involves a rather particular set of circumstances. But for individual elements, those who have children would probably best relate to Ms Loveā€™s struggles, especially if they had those children young or have a child with additional support needs. While the story details the hardships, it never adds emotion to the equation so itā€™s all very factual. The writing style is very friendly and informal and itā€™s a quick and easy read – especially since itā€™s only 35 pages long.

I suppose your expectations of this book will determine what youā€™ll get out of it. If youā€™re looking for a little insight into a favourite author then Iā€™m sure youā€™ll enjoy it. As someone who wanted a little bit of insight into the romance industry and perhaps a little push of motivation to start my own romance novel – I was disappointed.

“…she looked around for the easiest route to publication … and decided to write romance.”

Ms Love details her attempts to get published first as a poet and then as a young adult fantasy author. When these attempts failed it read to me like she looked around for the easiest route to publication that would give her the most profit and decided to write romance. She reasons that her young adult novels had elements of romance so it wasnā€™t that far a step, apparently – but this still left a really bad taste in my mouth. In one respect, good for her for identifying where sheā€™d find success and going for it. But in another, I now feel like her heart is somewhere else and sheā€™s almost using romance and the community around it.

As I mentioned, the last chapter is focussed on aspiring authors. After my dissatisfaction with the first part of the book, I looked forward to some advice that I could really get my teeth into. Sadly, I was to be disappointed yet again. While the advice is well-meaning, itā€™s vague and readily contradicts itself.

I probably expected far too much of this book but at the very least Iā€™d hoped to feel uplifted and inspired. Sadly, my ultimate takeaway is that Iā€™ve lost quite a lot of respect for this author. Good for her for ā€˜hustling hard for her happily ever afterā€™ but I honestly canā€™t recommend this book unless youā€™re a massive fan of Frankie Love and want to know more about her. As for me, I feel generous in giving this 2 stars.

2 stars

Frankie Love writes filthy-sweet stories about bad boys and mountain men.

She is ridiculously in love with her own bearded hottie, believes in love-at-first-sight, and happily-ever-afters. She also believes in the power of a quickie.

Get ready to fall in love ā€¦ you deserve it!

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