5 Stars / Contemporary / Review

Audiobook Review: Harvest of Love by M. Moreland 🎧

Danica Rawlins

She’s a career woman, constantly busy, under pressure, and in demand. But the job that once seemed like a dream to her now feels more like a nightmare.
When the stress gets too much, she escapes the office and drives, discovering beauty in the wide-open spaces that surround her in the country.
Leaving the worries behind, if only temporarily.
The last thing she expected to find was him.

Noah Edwards

He left the big city behind him long ago and forged a different path. One of earth and sky instead of steel and smog. Acres of plants instead of thousands of people.
The day she stumbled into his life, everything changed.
He saw his former life in her. And when he looked in her eyes, he saw his future.
He was determined to save her.
Show her a life she never dreamed existed—and a love that would enrich them both.

Title:Harvest of Love
Author:Melanie Moreland / M. Moreland
Narrator(s):John Lane
Maxine Mitchell
Series:Insta-Spark Collection (Book 5)
Pages:261 / 5 hours, 45 minutes
Trope(s):Insta Love
Point of View:First Person, Past Tense, Dual Viewpoint (H & h)
Narration Type:Dual
Location:Toronto (and somewhere nearby), Canada
Release Date:20th September, 2021
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Engaging, emotional and captivating

5 stars

I adored Harvest of Love when I read the e-book; The characters, the story, the emotion – it all culminated in a sweet yet sexy warm hug of a read. The audio version lived up to all my expectations from reading the book but left me feeling a deeper emotional connection to these wonderful characters.

This book is the fifth in M. Moreland’s Insta-Spark collection – a series of stand alone novels where you’re guaranteed sweetness alongside your HEA. Please don’t think that means these books are tame, though. There’s sex and foul language and all of that kind of good stuff to go along with the sweetness. And for those unaware, M. Moreland is another name used by author Melanie Moreland.

Dani is a tough business woman – VP of a big Toronto company. But, when the pressure gets to her, she finds herself far from the city and running straight into the arms of Noah. Dani is a hugely likeable and relatable character. You can see exactly why she’s gone far in her career – and also why she’s beginning to burn out. I imagine it was ridiculously hard to pull off a character who is having such a tough time as Dani was without having her come across as unsympathetic. But it was definitely pulled off. Dani never comes across as whiny or weak – exactly the opposite. I was rooting for her from beginning to end. She’s portrayed in the audio book by Maxine Mitchell and a superb job she does, too. She’s got a delightfully raspy voice which I 100% believed as Dani’s. She also injects emotion into her speech – clearly living the words rather than just reading them which really helped me feel the story.

“…this book is sweet as the pies that Dani makes, but it’s also wonderfully sexy…”

Noah. Oh my lord, Noah. If he isn’t just the perfect hero. He’s kind, sweet, caring and head over heels for Dani from the first glimpse of her. Despite those descriptions, he still comes across as a big, strong, tough guy. And one that is all in with Dani and wants forever with her. While he wants her to live with him, he’s also willing to make compromises to be with her – so you always feel there’s an equal balance in their relationship. His part is read by John Lane – a sexier, deeper voice you’d be hard pressed to find. More of the story is told from Dani’s point of view, but when Noah’s voice is heard, it makes an impact. If you hadn’t guessed – I loved him!

The heat between Dani and Noah was delicious – I really felt their connection. As I said, this book is sweet as the pies that Dani makes, but it’s also wonderfully sexy and hot. The emotion is what makes this story, however. I felt it and I loved it.

This is not a complicated story but, for me, it packed a huge punch. It spoke to me, and brought out a lot of emotion as I saw myself in the characters – Dani especially. It really gave me a hopeful feeling and it made me happy – which is really what I want from a book. Whether you’ve read the book first, or just want to hear a great story on audio, then this is a book I’d happily recommend to you. It’s a nice length of 5 hours and 45 mins so you can get through it relatively quickly – and enjoy every minute of it. 5 stars.

5 stars

* I received this book in exchange for my honest review *

New York Times/USA Today bestselling author Melanie Moreland, lives a happy and content life in a quiet area of Ontario with her beloved husband of twenty-seven-plus years and their rescue cat, Amber. Nothing means more to her than her friends and family, and she cherishes every moment spent with them.

While seriously addicted to coffee, and highly challenged with all things computer-related and technical, she relishes baking, cooking, and trying new recipes for people to sample. She loves to throw dinner parties, and also enjoys traveling, here and abroad, but finds coming home is always the best part of any trip.

Melanie loves stories, especially paired with a good wine, and enjoys skydiving (free falling over a fleck of dust) extreme snowboarding (falling down stairs) and piloting her own helicopter (tripping over her own feet.) She’s learned happily ever afters, even bumpy ones, are all in how you tell the story.

https://www.mayahughes.com TikTok Logo

Insta-Spark Collection:

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