4 Stars / Harlequin / Mills & Boon / Review

Review: A Week to be Wild by JC Harroway

She’ll play his game―but only by her rules!

Alex Lancaster is an adrenaline junkie. He’s also a sexy British billionaire who should come with his own warning signs. When Libby insists she is done with men who live on the edge, Alex coaxes her out of her comfort zone―professionally and very, very personally. Libby’s taking a high-stakes gamble, but the pay-off could win her everything…

Title:A Week to be Wild
Author:JC Harroway
Category / Genre(s):Harlequin / Mills & Boon (Dare)
Trope(s):Billionaire Romance
Workplace Romance
Point of View:
Location:London, UK, New York, US
Release Date:25th January, 2018
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A book of two halves

I was so excited when I saw that Mills & Boon were releasing a new line of books. Perhaps this would fill the hole that the recently defunct Blaze line created for me. Man, I loved those books of sexy, successful men and feisty, strong, take charge women. Looking back, I think that my excitement – and subsequently high expectations – were never going to be lived up to.

The book started off well. The writing style of JC Harroway flowed well, was fresh and really kept my interest and the pages turning.

Alex was a British billionaire who was also a little bit of a daredevil. But he had a heart of gold and it was just as easy for me to fall for him as it was for Libby. He was also never written as a stereotypical Englishman which pleased me no end. No ‘jolly good old chap’ for this hero. Can’t really say the same for – och, was it the wee Scottish assistant, laddie? – but he was barely there so I glossed over that part. * Shudders stereotypically *

I also liked Libby (although I’m pretty sure Libby is a derivation of Elizabeth – not Olivia). I liked her sassiness, understood her motivations but…then her damned internal monologue just wouldn’t quit. Seriously – shoosh, girl.

“The writing style of JC Harroway flowed well, was fresh and really kept my interest and the pages turning.”

I have a very dirty mind and I do enjoy my filth – but even I was getting frustrated with Libby and her constant forays into sexual fantasies about Alex. How on earth had this girl managed to build a successful business when she couldn’t keep her mind off what she wanted to do to Alex – or what she wanted him to do to her? Her thoughts seemed more befitting a 12 year old boy and I felt a little dirty reading it and not in a good way.

About 50% of the book was build-up to the initial sex scene rather than a chance to get to know our main characters. I like a bit of sexual tension but half the book? That’s overkill and I got seriously bored.

And then came the second half of the book.

The story picked up. Alex and Libby really got into their relationship and their little games of oneupmanship – excitement inside and outside the bedroom. The pair had banter and you really started to believe in them and feel for them as a couple. They opened up to each other (and the reader) more and you got to understand their back stories, their quirks, their hangups and their baggage. And the sex was pretty darn sexy, too! Finally!

The ending, and happily ever after, was nicely done and it made me smile. It felt real and I liked the way that Libby acted and reacted to the whole situation. If she’d been the girl she was in the latter half of the book, during that first half, this would have been a 5 star book without a shadow of a doubt.

This was definitely a book of two halves for me. I would still recommend it if you like your billionaire romances, are a fan of Mills & Boon or are just looking to pass the time on a rainy afternoon. I’ll keep my eye out for the next from the Dare line as this book did show promise and I’m still hoping that this will be my new favourite line to make me forget all about Blaze. 3 stars.

Lifelong romance addict J.C. Harroway is the Kindle Bestselling author of A Week to be Wild.
She lives in New Zealand. Writing feeds her very real obsession with happy endings and the endorphin rush they create.

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