5 Stars / Harlequin / Mills & Boon / Review

Review: Unexpected Family for the Rebel Tycoon by Rachael Stewart

From just neighborsā€¦to a forever family?


Everyoneā€™s heard of Matteo De tycoon, soccer player and international thrill seeker. Until an injury sees him permanently benchedā€”and bored! So bored that when his neighborā€™s kid drives off another nanny, Matteo volunteers to step in, adding ā€œmannyā€ to his CV.

After unexpectedly becoming her nephewā€™s guardian, itā€™s clear Porshaā€™s defenses are high. But as Matteo gets to know the woman beneath, a startlingly intense connection emergesā€¦ Could this be his biggest adventure yet?

From Harlequin – Be swept away by glamorous and heartfelt love stories.

Title:Unexpected Family for the Rebel Tycoon
Author:Rachael Stewart
Category / Genre(s):Harlequin / Mills & Boon
True Love
Trope(s):Forced / Close Proximity
Neighbours to Lovers
Opposites Attract
Point of View:Third Person, Past Tense, Dual Viewpoint (H & h)
Location:London, UK and Italy
Release Date:4th July, 2024
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Perfect Summer Vibes

5 stars

Is there any better book for a summer read than a Mills and Boon True Love? And is there anyone better to take you away and give you all that sun, sea and romance than Rachael Stewart? Iā€™m going to go with no!

We get stuck straight into the story when Matteo, stuck bored out of his mind in his London town house, gets assaulted by a shocking pink bra flung at him from across his garden fence. On tracking down the owner, he comes across his frazzled, uptight neighbour, Porsha, and her nephew, Fin. Without missing a beat, this newly retired super star football player soon finds himself mannying a 7 year old while fighting off a deep connection to his neighbour.

Matteo himself is known as a bit of a playboy and rebel – but itā€™s very early on that we learn that heā€™s so much more than that. Heā€™s definitely a charmer but thereā€™s something so boyishly adorable about him that I didnā€™t even try not to fall in love with him. But fear not, the man does have his issues. Luckily these are dealt with respectfully, honestly and just made him more real and even more likeable.

“Ms Stewart also writes with her whole heart. You can feel the emotion, the love, the urgency – the highs and the lows.”

Porsha is nothing if not a romance heroine in the making. Sheā€™s a workaholic struggling with the responsibility and guilt of suddenly finding herself in the role of permanent guardian for her 7 year old nephew. Which also means dealing with both their grief. But she was stoic, solid and showed just enough cracks in her armour to be someone I was urging to get her happily ever after.

There was something so gentle about the relationship between Matteo and Porsha and how it changed and grew. But thatā€™s not to say that they didnā€™t have chemistry from the very start because almost from the moment our couple meet, little hearts were appearing in both their eyes. And mine, too. But nothing is ever plain sailing (thankfully – because how boring would that be?) and there are definitely plenty of ups and downs for our couple. I honestly wondered how they would work things out, on occasion, but thankfully I know Rachael Stewart and Mills and Boon – so I knew all would be well. Once our pairing went through a little torture!

While we start off in London, weā€™re soon transported to sunny Italy. Rachael Stewartā€™s writing easily bring to life the landscape, the sights, the sounds, the smells, the people. It all appears before us as if weā€™re really there and just adds to the fresh, chilled, summer vibe that this book evokes. Ms Stewart also writes with her whole heart. You can feel the emotion, the love, the urgency – the highs and the lows. She makes me cry and then makes everything in the world right again.

I just loved this book, this couple and the place that this book took me while reading. Thereā€™s a reason why Rachael Stewart is one of my favourite authors and itā€™s on every page of this highly recommended read. 5 stars.

5 stars

*I received this book in exchange for my honest review.*

Rachael Stewart adores conjuring up stories for the readers of Harlequin Mills & Boon and Deep Desires Press, with tales varying from the heartwarmingly romantic to the wildly erotic.

She’s been writing since she could put pen to paper as the stacks of scrawled on A4 sheets in her loft will attest to, and the lovingly bound short stories that her father would run off at work and proudly share out with his colleagues. Thinking it was a pipe dream to be published one day, she pursued a sensible career in business but she was really play-acting, achieving the appropriate degree and spending many years in the corporate world where she never truly belonged. Always happiest when she was sat at her laptop in the quiet hours tapping out a story or two. And so here she is, a published author, her full-time pleasure, a dream come true.

A Welsh lass at heart, she now lives in Yorkshire with her husband and three children, and if she’s not glued to her laptop, she’s wrapped up in them or enjoying the great outdoors seeking out inspiration.

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