Kristina Taylor’s biological clock just went off. She has endometriosis. Now “who’s your baby’s daddy” just took on a completely new meaning. A brilliant plan for conception includes her hot best friend Johnny Huston. Taking him to bed won’t be a hardship—if she can only get him to play by her rules. After all, she wants to maintain their friendship. Not easy if he ends up being the best sex of her life.
Knock her up? Krissy has to be crazy. Or is she? Johnny has loved her since high school. Her plan might not include life after baby. His does. But how is he going to show her how good they can be together with all her rules—no kissing, no touching, no caressing. He can make love to her, but she’s determined not to enjoy it. To hell with that and to hell with her rules. He’s determined to show her friendship is the best foundation for a relationship.
But there are always complications…
With Johnny, Krissy is afraid to look to the future. Right now, she can’t get enough of the present, and she dreads the thought of losing what she’s had with him in the past.

Title: | Johnny Loves Krissy |
Author: | KyAnn Waters |
Series: | n/a |
Pages: | 268 |
Category / Genre(s): | Erotica |
Trope(s): | Friends to Lovers |
Point of View: | |
Location: | US |
HEA: | ✔️ |
Release Date: | 19th March, 2010 |


Tiresome erotic story

I was in the mood for a light, erotic tale and as I enjoy the trope where friends fall in love, I thought this one sounded perfect.
Almost from the start I realised that this story wasn’t going to hit the right notes with me. Both our main characters were of college age and acted like it. Their priorities certainly weren’t the same as if they had been a little older or more mature. Ironic since Krissy wanted to have a child. There’s nothing wrong having different priorities at certain ages, but it made me dubious about whether they were making choices that could last in the long run.
I didn’t really find either of the main characters likeable or relatable, either. Johnny was fair but Krissy just didn’t do it for me. She was touted as a slim, gorgeous girl with oversized surgically enhanced breasts. Did a man write this story? Was I supposed to relate to her and want to be her? Ugh. And her personality wasn’t much better. She came across as childish, demanding and unsympathetic. The pair were constantly playing games with each other or creating conflict that a simple conversation could have sorted out – very frustrating.
“I didn’t really find either of the main characters likeable or relatable…”
Now onto the sex. Perhaps because of my points above, I found the sex completely unsatisfying despite there being a lot of it. A LOT! It was a little tawdry and I got bored with them boinking, not boinking etc etc. There was also Johnny’s fixation with Krissy’s ‘ass’ which could only lead to one thing. Yay, anal sex. Sigh. This doesn’t do it for me at all so I usually skim read if I come across it in a book. Even doing that, it was written in a way that made me feel quite uncomfortable.
Good points about this book are that it’s short and fairly inexpensive. Apart from that the elements just didn’t work for me and I can’t recommend it. 1 star.

KyAnn Waters is a multi-published, award winning author of erotic romance. She lives in Utah with her husband and two children. Never believing she was a pet lover, she still has made a home for a menagerie of animals. She spends her days writing and her evenings with her family. She enjoys sporting events on the television, thrillers on the big screen, and hot scenes between the pages of her books.

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