I’ve never been a big fan of New Year, but I do love making resolutions.
It feels like a time to start afresh, put your ducks in a row and move forward towards your best self.
With that in mind, this year I decided to break my goals down into separate categories.
And naturally, one of my categories for resolutions is books.
So here are my bookish resolutions for 2021:
1. Read 130 books
Last year I had a goal of 125 and I read 132, so I decided to go for 130 and hope that I can hit it again.
2. Listen to at least 5 audiobooks
I am a regular Read Me Romance listener but audiobooks aren’t something I’ve ever truly got behind, despite owning a few. I think that it’s partly because my mind wanders so easily and I find myself missing things, and partly because I often read books to relax and if I was just sitting listening, I’d feel compelled to do the ironing or something! But this year I’ve decided to try to listen to at least 5.
3. Read more from my TBR shelf
I sometimes find myself constantly reading ARCs or newly released books to the detriment of books that are sitting on my TBR shelf, waiting to be read. I feel I need to delve into my pile and read some of the gems that are gathering literal and metaphorical dust.
4. Subscribe to fewer author newsletters
I found myself subscribing to so many author newsletters of late that my inbox just gets crammed. And when I do find the time to read them, they are often pure pish. So I’m clicking unsubscribe and boy does it ever feel liberating! Read why I’m clicking unsubscribe here.
5. Read more non-fiction books
I have almost as many non-fiction books sitting on my shelves as I do fiction, but I rarely delve into a non-fiction book like I do a juicy romance. I want to change that this year and read more of my non-fiction TBR pile.
6. Host a giveaway
Who doesn’t love a giveaway? I’ve always wanted to host one on my blog and Instagram so this year is the year to do so. I want to give away a nice prize with lots of fun bookish goodies. Stay tuned!

So that’s mine – what are your bookish resolutions for 2021? Let me know below or via my socials.

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