It’s time for the next generation of Vested Interest to find their Happily Ever Afters.
Grace VanRyan has her life mapped out. Law school, a career with ABC, and a bright future ahead of her.
Until Jaxson Richards steps into the picture. He’s everything she hasn’t planned for. Older, sexy, off-limits.
And her new boss.
When the passion between them explodes, will her life blow up along with it?

Title: | My Saving Grace |
Author: | Melanie Moreland |
Series: | Vested Interest: ABC Corp Series (Book 1) |
Pages: | 375 |
Genre(s): | Contemporary |
Trope(s): | Workplace Romance |
Point of View: | First Person, Past Tense, Dual Viewpoint (H & h) |
Location: | Toronto, Canada |
HEA: | ✔ |
Release Date: | 25th February, 2021 |

A delightful surprise

I was slightly apprehensive when choosing this book – I liked the blurb but I haven’t read ANY of the Vested Interest books so I wasn’t sure how I would get on with this spin-off series. Just fine as it turns out. Better than fine, in fact. For those who have read the previous series, you get to see lots of previous characters and how they’re getting on. For those of us who are newbies, you’re never confused, never lost but it does make you want to go back and read up on the love stories of people we meet in this story – especially Grace’s parents, featured in The Contract.
This story pulled me in right from the beginning and before I knew it, I was hooked. The writing was so fresh and engaging – I loved the characters, felt their feelings and was part of their world.
Oh and we’re given a massive tease at the beginning. Here’s where we are now – let’s tell you how they got there. It worked so well! As Grace and Jaxson’s relationship develops it’s exciting – but then you know something’s going to change and you’re excitedly anxious. I could not read fast enough. I had to know what was going to happen and I had to know NOW!
Grace is the kind of heroine that you wish you could be, wish you were friends with and can 100% root for. She’s calm, cool, collected and knows her own mind, not afraid to stand up for herself. Yet she’s also vulnerable, goes into something with her whole heart, and definitely happy to hold a grudge! She was so relatable and so likeable – I fell head over heels for her. Plus she likes snuggly socks, cosy reading nooks and a cup of tea – the perfect heroine!
“…I love a sexy hero I want to both and hug and well… you know!”
Jaxson was also my absolute jam. He’s older (only by about 10 years, 37 to her 28, I think it was), gruff, grumpy and is definitely one of those heroes that has that broken little boy inside, just needing the love of a good women. Gah – I love a sexy hero I want to both and hug and well… you know! I like how he was completely alpha but almost a little undone by Grace. And he really tried with her. Tried to be the best version of himself because he knew that was what she deserved. The Hallowe’en in the office was to die for. swoons And yet, of course, he makes ridiculous decisions assuming he knows best and doesn’t need to discuss it. Stupid man!
The first half of the story mostly takes place in the office but the second half we’re in Vegas, Port Albany, Toronto and hardly back in the office again at all. And it worked. We feel and learn about our couple and also about their fears and how they handle things when things go wrong. Just when you think there will be no more, another roadblock is thrown in front of our couple. It’s crazy – but in a fun and enjoyable way.
And the ending is perfection. It’s everything it needed to be and gave me more swoons and butterflies. Okay, and possibly a few delicate tears, too! Speaking of swoons, I also have to give a huge slow clap for the sexual tension and build up between our couple – and the sex scenes in general. If you like getting thrown up again a wall and kissed within an inch of your life – you’ll be happy as a clam!
Honourable mentions go to the bromance between Jaxson and Richard, and the character of Michael. So enjoyable and gave me so many laughs.
This book was such an unexpected delight for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed Ms Moreland’s writing and storytelling before, so I shouldn’t be surprised that this was such a winner for me. I devoured it and I encourage you to pick it up and do the same. Definitely 5 stars.

New York Times/USA Today bestselling author Melanie Moreland, lives a happy and content life in a quiet area of Ontario with her beloved husband of twenty-seven-plus years and their rescue cat, Amber. Nothing means more to her than her friends and family, and she cherishes every moment spent with them.
While seriously addicted to coffee, and highly challenged with all things computer-related and technical, she relishes baking, cooking, and trying new recipes for people to sample. She loves to throw dinner parties, and also enjoys traveling, here and abroad, but finds coming home is always the best part of any trip.
Melanie loves stories, especially paired with a good wine, and enjoys skydiving (free falling over a fleck of dust) extreme snowboarding (falling down stairs) and piloting her own helicopter (tripping over her own feet.) She’s learned happily ever afters, even bumpy ones, are all in how you tell the story.

Vested Interest: ABC Corp Series:

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