5 Stars / Contemporary / Review

Review: Second-in-Command by Melanie Moreland

Second-in-Command by Melanie Moreland Cover

Men of Hidden Justice

Because love can bleed into the darkest heart

I found her when I least expected.

I should have let her go, but I couldn’t.

My world is too dangerous for her. But without her life has no meaning.

For the first time in my life, I am taking what I want – consequences be damned.

Author:Melanie Moreland
Series:Men of Hidden Justice (Book 2)
Trope(s):Insta-Love / Lust
Point of View:First Person, Past Tense, Dual Viewpoint (H & h)
Location:Toronto, Canada
Release Date:11th November, 2021
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A love story with extra bite

5 stars

Second-in-Command follows Marcus who we first met in the first book in the Hidden Justice series, The Boss. This book does stand completely alone and in this story, Marcus himself is now the boss of the secret, vigilante type organisation.

There are some parallels between this book and the first but at no time did I feel that the stories were overly similar. The characters, especially the heroines of each book, were considerably different and their journeys decidedly contrastive.

Marcus is a deliciously grumpy, scowly hero which is even more delicious because he’s working for a good cause and is ultimately a very good man. I loved how intense he was and how focused and yet when he was with Missy he was gentle and caring. It may sound odd but I enjoyed seeing Marcus lose control around and about Missy. It was never really a control or power thing as Missy met Marcus toe to toe which was so delicious. The perfect pairing.

I liked Missy a lot even if I (thankfully) couldn’t understand exactly what she was going through. At first, I admit that I was skeptical about her claims about how she got herself in the position she was found. But as she grew more healthy and strong, it became more believable and I realised that it was Ms Moreland’s writing skills that layered Missy’s character so cleverly. Regardless of this, I really felt for Missy and was rooting for her all the way. She was a nice blend of strong and vulnerable and made for a great heroine.

“…[I] was absorbed in the story from the first page to the last.”

As I mentioned, Marcus and Missy were really a great pairing and a great team in general. I loved that in her own way Missy managed to rile Marcus just as much as he did her. They had an effortless chemistry and I adored the seamless transition from strangers, to hero and victim, to lovers and then something more. The sex was hot (especially the grumpy sex) but the sweet and tender moments, especially where Marcus did thoughtful things for Missy, were extra sugary and made my heart happy.

There is a more difficult and disturbing storyline that helps to drive the story forward. While it’s uncomfortable to think about and some of the details are upsetting, it’s never gratuitous, never overly in-depth and things always work out in the end. In the end, this is the story of Marcus and Missy and that’s what the main focus of the book is. Anything else is just a bonus.

I hugely enjoyed this tale and was absorbed in the story from the first page to the last. Ms Moreland has an amazing gift to make you fall in love with her characters and make you feel like they are now your own, telling their story just for you, the reader. As well as the characters, she gifts you with just enough emotion to make you yearn while always teasing you with a bit more and a bit more until you’re more than satisfied. I am a huge fan of Melanie Moreland and this book was another winner. Fans of Ms Moreland or new to her writing, you will not be disappointed with this love story with a little bit extra. 5 stars.

And as for the small tease we get about the next book in the series, The Commander, which will be Julian’s story… OH. MY. GOD! I cannot wait for that story to drop as it sounds amazing!

5 stars

* I received this book in exchange for my honest review *

New York Times/USA Today bestselling author Melanie Moreland, lives a happy and content life in a quiet area of Ontario with her beloved husband of twenty-seven-plus years and their rescue cat, Amber. Nothing means more to her than her friends and family, and she cherishes every moment spent with them.

While seriously addicted to coffee, and highly challenged with all things computer-related and technical, she relishes baking, cooking, and trying new recipes for people to sample. She loves to throw dinner parties, and also enjoys traveling, here and abroad, but finds coming home is always the best part of any trip.

Melanie loves stories, especially paired with a good wine, and enjoys skydiving (free falling over a fleck of dust) extreme snowboarding (falling down stairs) and piloting her own helicopter (tripping over her own feet.) She’s learned happily ever afters, even bumpy ones, are all in how you tell the story.

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Men of Hidden Justice

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