Kate Evans is a vibrant beautiful woman.
Chad Rockwood is the personal trainer her mother has hired to help her lose the extra pounds she carries.
They start out as trainer and client and quickly move to friends, but when Kate’s mom signs her up on an online matchmaking site, Chad sees red.
Do opposites attract? Can Chad convince Kate that she is more than a number on a scale?
A funny and emotional look at romance when it’s least expected.

Title: | Weighting for Christmas |
Author: | AJ Harmon |
Series: | n/a |
Pages: | 191 |
Category / Genre(s): | Contemporary |
Trope(s): | Christmas Romance Opposites Attract |
Point of View: | First person, Single viewpoint (heroine only) |
Location: | US |
HEA: | ✔️ |
Release Date: | 1st December, 2016 |

Not what I expected

I make no bones of the fact that stories told in first person are not my favourite – they always make me feel strangely uncomfortable for some strange reason. But for this story – it really works. I like that we only get Kate’s perspective to what’s going on. It makes her journey all the more real and we can truly feel her emotions and how she thinks. That doesn’t mean to say that we don’t get glimpses into what Chad’s thinking; Kate is adorably clueless about her own desirability and it’s clear, to us readers anyway, what’s bothering Chad when Kate starts dating.
My only reason for giving this story 4 stars is that it took me longer than I would have liked to warm up to Kate. She’s our heroine and despite me hugely identifying with the way she was feeling and how she viewed herself, there were times at the start of the book when she was just downright mean. I probably wouldn’t have minded except that she took great pains to remind us that she was nice. Hmmmm. I saw the change in her throughout the book so maybe it was a clever ploy by the author; I’ll never know!
“Maybe I’ll find my own Chad in time for next Christmas.”
The reason this book wasn’t what I expected is that it’s more than just a romance. The book could have ended at about 50% and I would have been satisfied with the happily-ever-after of Kate and Chad. However, this was also a story about Kate falling in love with herself and coming to terms with who she was. Not to sound all cheesy but I found this part very uplifting and quite, erm, motivational. Maybe I’ll find my own Chad in time for next Christmas.
I really enjoyed this story and was hooked from the first. It’s light on the Christmas element as it’s set throughout the year but you honestly won’t mind as soon as you get into the story. A book I would recommend. 4 stars.

AJ grew up in Perth, Western Australia. She is the third of six children and her first exposure to romance was her parents. Now married for almost 55 years, they have always been her example when working on her own marriage and parenting skills.
Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters and Georgette Heyer, were the writers she grew to love in adolescence and still loves now. Her list of favorite authors now has grown to include, not only historical but also contemporary authors as well. Sadly, she doesn’t have as much time to indulge in novels as much as she would like. Her family and now writing her own novels, keeps her very busy, but you will always find a book on her nightstand.
Other hobbies include cooking, one her favorite television shows is The Next Iron Chef on Food Network, and traveling, the UK and the Caribbean her favorite places to visit.
She and her husband of 28 years, reside on the west coast of the USA and have two grown children, making them empty-nesters, and recently adopted a rescued puppy, Max, from the local humane society.

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