2 Stars / Contemporary / Review

Review: Her Billionaire Daddy by Allison West

He owns the hottest lifestyle club in all of New York City. It’s secretive, exclusive, and caters to Daddy Doms.

Romance author, Samantha Bellamy, is shocked when she attends a book signing and runs into her high school crush, Martin Taylor.

He’s a billionaire with a secret. He’s owner of an exclusive club for Daddy Doms and littles to openly explore the lifestyle.

He’s also notorious for his playboy personality, bedding a new woman every night.

There’s a deal to be made worth potentially billions and Martin can’t let it get away. The only problem is the board of directors doesn’t like his playboy persona.

He offers Samantha the deal of a lifetime. Marry him for eighteen months and receive two million dollars for her trouble. The only catch, no sex.

Oh, and she has to call him Daddy!

Title:Her Billionaire Daddy
Author:Allison West
Series:Western Daddy Doms (Book 1)
Category / Genre(s):Contemporary
Trope(s):Billionaire Romance
Daddy / DDLG
Fake Relationship
Point of View:Third Person, Past Tense
Location:New York, New York & Ravenwood, Montana, USA
Release Date:20th November, 2020
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All mouth and no trousers

I sometimes dabble in romances in the ddlg lifestyle although I’m very much a novice. However, this book sounded too much fun to pass up. I love a fake relationship trope and I’m partial to a billionaire – it sounded like something I would love.

I’m sad to say, however, that I didn’t love it.

The good bits first. The story as a whole was great. The way our couple meet (or re-meet), they reasoning behind the fake relationship, the person trying to sabotage Martin and Samantha’s new found love… I was behind it all.

The writing was also very good. It was written in third person, past tense and I found it to be engaging and very readable. I definitely wouldn’t mind reading more from Ms West in the future.

Sam and Martin were both likeable characters and the only negative things I can say about them would be that Martin was too domineering and Sam was too juvenile at times. Not really sure that’s a valid complaint in a daddy / little book, though!

However, there are some not so good points about the book, too.

The pacing was all over the place. We seemed to spend aaaages with Martin and Samantha as they reconnected in the bookshop, but in other places a whole sex club was built between paragraphs. Some things were drawn out and some happened far too fast. The first time the pair had sex was over in about a page leaving me a little peeved. The pace allowed me to pick up and put down the book at will. I was never engrossed.

“…it was all mouth and no trousers. Figuratively and literally.”

I don’t know if someone just forgot to edit the book but we have a ridiculous amount of simple grammar errors (your instead of you’re, for example) and some incorrect word choices, exhort instead of exert, fair well instead of farewell, to name but two. Sloppy, irritating and an easy fix.

The sex and ddlg playing was hot…especially the spanking. However, there were some points that really weren’t my kind of thing. Martin doesn’t mind sharing Samantha so we do get a scene where 4 men (I think it was 4), including her ex-boyfriend get sexual with her. There’s quite a lot about anal play and anal sex, which is also not my bag.

But the biggest complaint I had about the sex was that it was all mouth and no trousers. Figuratively and literally. As I mentioned before, the first penetrative sexual encounter was over before it began. We then have build up to a scene with multiple partners. But they’re not allowed to have sex with her. So we get 5 or 6 naked folk in a room, a little fondling, a little sucking and then they’re all asleep in a bed. Disappointing from every angle.

Probably as a result of all of my above complaints, I didn’t really ‘feel’ the love between Samantha and Martin. But I could see exactly where it should be building. I could see exactly what the author had planned and the potential for the progression of their relationship. I felt like this was a very detailed first draft with so much possibility. And if only it had a bit more editorial work then I would have LOVED it. Shame, really.

Allison West is a #1 International Best-Selling Author in BDSM, Science Fiction, Victorian, and Historical Erotica. She also writes young adult novels under the name Ruth Silver.

Allison West has been inventing worlds and writing stories for years. Her favorite novels are those that leave a lasting impression, long after the final page is read.

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Western Daddy Doms Series:

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