Stormy Smith, a close-protection agent for the US government, waits in a bullet-proof SUV on the tarmac of Seoul’s Gimpo Airport for her next assignment. She has received bits and pieces of information about this case over the past week, but now she has his name: Jordan Black, her fellow ROTC cadet and best friend who vanished after their one night together.
Jordan Black, a hacker for the US government, wakes up pissed to find his vacation flight has landed in Seoul and not Tokyo as he’d expected. He’s doubly shocked when he’s met by the woman who shattered his heart a decade ago.
Stormy tells him a hit has been taken out on him and she’s been assigned to keep him alive. She’s never lost a mark and Jordan will not be the first to die on her watch. But Jordan isn’t about to let Stormy put her life on the line for his.
Will their power struggle put both their lives at risk, or will they learn to work together? One more time. For old time’s sake.

Title: | One Night in Seoul |
Author: | Angelique Migliore |
Series: | City Nights (Book 39) |
Pages: | 97 |
Genre(s): | Contemporary |
Trope(s): | Second Chance Romance |
Point of View: | |
Location: | Seoul, South Korea |
HEA: | ✔️ |
Release Date: | 26th August, 2020 |

Action and romance combined

This is the second book I’ve read by Angelique Migliore and I’ve noticed a distinct pattern to her stories – her writing is engaging and quickly pulls you into the story; she writes with spice and heat, and she shows a real passion for the characters and locations that she writes about.
This particular book is set in Seoul and lots of detail about the location are interwoven into the story. You can tell that the author has been to the location in question and definitely shares the sights, sounds and smells that she encountered there, with us as readers, really bringing the location to life.
This story is short and sweet – probably about 90 pages or so – and can be read over the course of a couple of hours. Normally you might feel that wasn’t enough to build a solid romantic relationship between the main couple – but in our case, as this is a second-chance romance, the couple have a lot of history so we don’t need a lot of time before the story, and the relationship really kicks off.
Our main couple are Stormy Smith and Jordan Black. Jordan is half-black, half-Korean and Stormy is, well, I’m assuming white, since her natural hair colour is blonde – but I can’t remember if that was explicitly mentioned. It matters not, however.
Stormy and Jordan are both quite angry people but both still likeable characters. Stormy is the definition of kick-ass. While both our couple have military backgrounds and training, it’s definitely Stormy who’s the ‘secret ninja’ of the pair. She protects people and kills people – all in day’s work!
“The writing was effortless to read – those pages just kept on turning.”
Stormy is detailed with protecting Jordan – whose hacking has brought him to the attention of sinister people/threats. I admit to being a wee bit confused about why this protection meant that the pair had to be seen to go out and about in Seoul (under different identities, of course) but hey – when do I ever understand every single nuance of spying/espionage/military operations in books?! It certainly didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the book.
And it enjoy it I did. The writing was effortless to read – those pages just kept on turning as I wanted to read more and more of the story and our couple. And it certainly didn’t hurt that the heat level in the book is fan-yourself steamy!
As I said, our couple have history, and are doing the whole fake-relationship thing, so it’s not long into our book before the first kiss happens. Swoon. From there, it’s even less time before nakedness occurs…yet we’ve got time before we get to the finale. It all builds and builds. I wasn’t really sure about Jordan’s quid pro quo arrangement regarding shaving his head (yes, if you’re digging the dreadlocks, they do indeed get shaved off!). I certainly wouldn’t have agreed to his conditions – but the more I think back on it, the more I realise that it showed that Stormy still had feelings for Jordan and, whether she would admit it or not, she wanted to be intimate with him again.
There were a couple of laugh out loud moments in the book, and one moment that actually made me say ‘awwww’. Even thinking back to it gives me the happies, it was so cute!
This book is definitely a page turner and has enough action, romance and sex to make you very satisfied when you get to the end. If you’ve never tried Angelique Migliore’s writing before, or if you’re a dedicated fan, I would recommend this book to you. 5 stars.

While in her third year of French at high school, Angelique was forced to journal every day. Never a lover of her own personal diaries, she rewrote Romeo and Juliet in French. Except that Romeo was a duck-billed platypus, and Juliet was a strawberry. It was a doomed, albeit deliciously sweet relationship from the start.
Long before that, Angelique wrote, performed, and recorded ridiculously caddy commercials with her best friend from grade school, Shannon. Born a creative soul, she enjoys the many ways her artistic nature bubbles to the surface: quilts, jewelry, cooking, and baking, etc.
Ever the optimist, Angelique believes the best is yet to come, sharing a meal is the quickest route to peace, and love conquers all. We are all far more alike than we are different.
Although she was born and raised in the paradise that is the Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle, not traveling has never been an option for Angelique. It’s a small world, after all, and we have but a limited amount of time on this beautiful planet of ours to experience it firsthand.
Religion and Linguistics are her first true loves. She also adores rugby. And champagne. With fresh raspberries, if you please.
Kissing is her favorite pastime.

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