3 Stars / Contemporary / Review

Review: Seducing the Billionaire by Allie Winters

It’s all on me now. The billion-dollar company I just inherited from my late father. The public eye waiting for me to slip up. The pressure of keeping it all together.

At least there’s one bright spot in my life—my new assistant, Emma. My dream woman come to life if I didn’t know better.

It’s too bad the paparazzi would have a field day if they discovered something going on between us. I can’t afford for anything to jeopardize my new role as CEO of Bishop Industries.

Even if she is temptation personified.

It was supposed to be a simple assignment. Become Connor Bishop’s new assistant and convince him to buy my father’s company, Montague Media. So how do I do that? By any means necessary, according to my dad—including seduction. Otherwise, I lose everything.

But no one told me how hard it would be to seduce a billionaire who insists on acting like a perfect gentleman, especially when real feelings start to emerge. At what point do I stop the charade and tell him who I really am? Before or after I fall in love with him?

Title:Seducing the Billionaire
Author:Allie Winters
Series:Bishop Brothers (Book 3)
Category / Genre(s):Contemporary
Trope(s):Billionaire Romance
Point of View:First Person, Present Tense, Dual Viewpoint (H & h)
Location:New York, US
Release Date:27th August, 2021
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Didn’t quite hit the spot for me

3 stars

I can’t tell you how much it pained me to give an Allie Winters novel only 3 stars. I love her writing and, to be fair, that remained exemplary throughout this novel and up to her usual standards. The book just didn’t quite hit the right notes with me, sadly.

This is the third book in the Bishop Brothers series and is the third brother, Connor’s, story. It does stand alone although Gabriel, Archer and their significant others do appear in this story so if you haven’t read the first two books in the series (Resisting the Billionaire and Marrying the Billionaire) before this one, you’ll probably want to afterwards!

Connor is the youngest brother and since he’s the only one not disinherited by his late father, he’s also now the CEO of a billion-dollar business and a billionaire in his own right. From the first two books I imagined Connor as somewhat more of a free spirit than he ultimately turned out to be. Having the company dumped on his lap and given little direction, he spent much of the novel stressed and worried – understandably so. Connor didn’t really have the fun or exuberance of Gabriel or the silent strength of Archer. He was a good lead but he did pale in comparison to his brothers in my opinion.

“[Connor] did pale in comparison to his brothers…”

It was Emma who ultimately didn’t work for me in this story. She had lived her whole life as the dirty little secret of her father – hidden away in a paid for house with her kept mum. Her Dad essentially blackmails her into seducing Connor or she’ll lose her house, her insurance, her livelihood. It was hard to feel sorry for her. A lot of people have it a lot worse and if you’re 24 and under your Dad’s thumb, perhaps it’s become a choice! And she kept the seduction of Connor going far too long for my comfort. In fact, I was feeling decidedly uncomfortable especially when Emma took the lead in her relationship with Connor. I didn’t know her motives and that made the romance feel a little, well, icky.

There was some hot sex along the way as Emma and Connor had palpable chemistry and couldn’t keep their hands off each other. But because of Emma, I couldn’t really connect.

As I said, I really love Allie Winters’ writing and I really wish I could have loved this book more. I’m still super excited for future books and am delighted that the door was left open for possibly another Bishop Brothers book. Or maybe a Bishop sister? Or perhaps that’s just wishful thinking!

This one wasn’t really my cup of tea but I would still happily recommend Allie Winters and hope that I am the exception that proves this was an excellent book. 3 stars.

3 stars

*I received this book in exchange for my honest review*

Allie lives in sunny Florida with her husband, daughter, and two cats. A librarian by day, she spends her nights writing happily ever afters. She enjoys reading, playing video games, and all things Disney.

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Bishop Brothers Series:

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