4 Stars / Contemporary / Review

Review: Lost in the Wild by Cassie Mint

I came out here to interview a cryptid.
Now he’s carrying me off to his cave.

The Wild Man of Starlight Ridge is a local legend. A man who wanders the mountains barefoot and bare-chested, with a shaggy beard and long, unkempt hair.

I’ve been sent out here to interview him, but when we finally meet… well, let’s just say he’s not my biggest fan.

He thinks I’m a spoiled, helpless city girl who’s out to ruin his peace. I think he’s a jerk who needs a shave.

But when I sprain my ankle, it’s the Wild Man who comes to my rescue, scooping me up in those big, strong arms.

And it’s cold on the mountain at night.
So we’d better huddle for warmth in his cave…

Title:Lost in the Wild
Author:Cassie Mint
Series:Huddling for Warmth (Book 1)
Category / Genre(s):Contemporary
Trope(s):Mountain Man
Close / Forced Proximity
Insta Love
Point of View:First Person, Present Tense, Dual Viewpoint (H & h)
Location:Starlight Ridge, USA
Release Date:23rd May, 2024
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Wild Man gone wild

4 stars

Cryptid: a creature whose reported existence is unproved, such as Bigfoot.

Evie is on a trek up a mountain to find the Wild Man of Starlight Ridge, get an interview with him, save her job and win at life. Or at least that was the plan. Instead, the Wild Man is rude, definitely wild and thinks spending time in a cave is the height of luxury. But huddling and cuddling for warmth does strange things to a person…

This was such a fun tale – a mountain man gone wild type tale. It’s the first in the ‘Huddling for Warmth’ series and based on this book and the title of the series alone, I’m all in, right now.

Our heroine, Evie, was someone I liked straight off the bat. She was exactly the kind of person you’d imagine would hike up a mountain, alone, in a strange place, to interview a mountain man. She’s not daft, thankfully, but she’s so optimistic and happy that I couldn’t help but smile with her, root for her, and totally understand how quickly and deeply Rowan (yes, a man) fell for her.

Cassie Mint is definitely one of my favourite insta-love authors.”

At first I wasn’t sure how things were going to go with Rowan once I realised that his cave was an actual, cave cave. And then he had matted hair. The dirt can be washed off but matted hair? Gross. I was also concerned for the poor man’s mental health and what I’m assuming was severe PTSD. Luckily, everything was fine and I quickly warmed to both Rowan and his cave. The hair got gone and, while not explicitly stated, the issues that Rowan obviously had were handled carefully enough for it not to be an issue in the book.

It was nice to see our couple interacting both on the mountain and down in the town. It made their time together seem real and made their instant connection and feelings come across a lot more realistic. Despite the huddling for warmth, it’s more towards the end of the book that our couple have sex – and it’s both hot as well as funny. The reason Evie is snapped out of her lust is hilarious and so something I would do in the same situation. Brilliant.

Cassie Mint is definitely one of my favourite insta-love authors. She manages to quickly bring me into a story, know and love the characters and root for them to get together and live happily together – all while making me laugh and swoon. It’s so easy to read one of her stories and I know she’s always going to give me exactly the shot of love and romance that I need in my life.

4 stars

* I received this book in exchange for my honest review

Cassie Mint Author Picture

Cassie Mint – Romance Author & Daydreamer Extraordinaire

Cassie Mint is a romance author with her head firmly in the clouds.

She writes outrageous, OTT instalove with tons of sugar and steam!

Cassie loves growly, possessive alpha heroes who fall HARD for their heroines and will do anything for that HEA.

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Huddling for Warmth Series:

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